
Showing posts from October 3, 2011

"The Hubris Syndrome" - An Expose on the Battle Amongst Church & Politicsl Leadership?"

As a Church & Ministry Consultant (Sacred Role)/Management Consultant (Secular Role) since September 1996, and I have seen the GLARING IMBALANCE found in both the religious and the political circles and leadership IN SPADES! Ugh!! If I’ve had ONE primary reason for wanting to choose another career path and vocation, is because I absolutely “hate” PRIDE and “despise” with an even greater intensity — BAD LEADERSHIP; and, as an OCCUPATIONAL NORM it seems that in both fields; there overrun with people “full of the selves” to the point PEOPLE, COMMUNITY, and SOCIETY suffers.. The Hubris Syndrome, written by Lord David Owen - the former British Foreign Secretary from the late 70's, has quite an interesting take on the noticeable imbalance and blaring dysfunction that is prevalent amongst many "political leaders". While reading the article, it made me think of the state of affairs amongst many "church leaders" that I've encountered in my 29 years of consulting...

"Proud, Blind or Hardheaded...?"

Our challenge in understanding God's Kingdom, including the economy and government which are its foundation, is - though submitted cooperation through our human agency is critical to seeing it manifest; we don't tie His hands or alter His will through pride, spiritual blindness or hardheadedness! We simply limit the kingdom's influence in our own lives by displaying these behaviors! So, "entitled leaders" who think the world revolves around them must be building something else - the "kingdoms of men". God has mercy on our innocent ignorance, but refuses to let the world go to hell while we "have church"! WS-3