"Blessed are the merciful, for THEY shall be shown mercy." (Matthew 5:7) I am forever amazed by God's unfailing love for us! And, I am also very perplexed by the reason HIS long-suffering towards us, is so consistently and lovingly applied -- even when we are quite inconsistent and unloving ourselves! Generally speaking, I am willing to "go the extra mile" with the people that I love or that I'm closest too; but, only those that "I allow" to work my nerve -- which I would definitely consider "associates" that are given a "little rope" before "I handle my business" -- UFC style (Lol), through the power of prayer and the necessity of forgiveness; but especially towards the brethren and towards the unbelievers in our world who often "don't know, no better!" (Lol) "Family" definitely has a special place in my heart, but also tends to create the greatest challenge to my bearing "spirit...