
Showing posts with the label The Harvest is Now

"Harvest-Minded": 'The World Needs ME!'

This morning at approximately 4:30am, I woke up to hearing the words "The Harvest" - which directly connected me back to words I heard and received from my global accountability (spiritually speaking)through Papa Lyle Randles of Life Connections Int'l , who lives in Santa Monica, California. Papa Lyle reminded me of both the explicit use and timely nature of my obedience to be "harvest-minded", and not to allow anything else to distract me in this season - that is pregnant with God's purpose for reaching the world for His glory and honor.  This exchange that he and I had several weeks back during our normal conferencing time, reminded me of this powerful word that my wife (Charlene) and I received in 2005 during an explosive time of intercessory-worship; while simply seeking the Lord as our normal routine. In the months to come, God is showing me that the substance of this word below is going to be accelerated till its final completion in my life! This...