"WS-3's Opinion": Sometimes I feel quite disconnected from what is deemed "the larger struggle" by some...Because — its REALLY HARD FOR ME too listen to ANY NATIONAL MEDIA, without FIRST — researching primary sources, reading all sides of the argument, and seeking God about what I've "heard"... I think I'm being healed of "SMH (shaking my head) syndrome", because it seems to me , even amongst my limited Facebook friends, WE FAINTLY UNDERSTAND the "real narrative"; but, we'll BEAT EACH OTHER DOWN OVER THE "evening news"?!? #ResearchWhoOwnstheNetworks #StopLettingMediaPunditsCreateYourNarrative #StopBeingSoPoliticalYourBlind #RelateTooPeopleNotParty DISCLAIMER: This message is APPROVED by Walter L. Smith III (WS-3) Walter L. Smith III Founder/President Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./ The Center For Kingdom Advancement 1445 Valleyhigh Dr NW #70...