
Showing posts from August 31, 2022


"WS-3's Opinion":  Sometimes I feel quite disconnected from what is deemed "the larger struggle" by some...Because — its REALLY HARD FOR ME too listen to ANY NATIONAL MEDIA, without FIRST — researching primary sources, reading all sides of the argument, and seeking God about what I've "heard"...  I think I'm being healed of "SMH (shaking my head) syndrome", because it seems to me , even amongst my limited Facebook friends, WE FAINTLY UNDERSTAND the "real narrative"; but, we'll BEAT EACH OTHER DOWN OVER THE "evening news"?!? #ResearchWhoOwnstheNetworks   #StopLettingMediaPunditsCreateYourNarrative #StopBeingSoPoliticalYourBlind #RelateTooPeopleNotParty DISCLAIMER: This message is APPROVED by Walter L. Smith III (WS-3) Walter L. Smith III Founder/President Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./ The Center For Kingdom Advancement  1445 Valleyhigh Dr NW #70...


What you are permitted both "to hear" and "to see", (spiritually speaking) is a definite indicator and identifier of what you carry for Christ & for HIS Kingdom. Sometimes, the "real burden" is being able to see, but feeling powerless or inadequate to change "it" for the better.. Perhaps, because you've been made to feel that you're criticizing or judging in the past.. Even when you - know yourself, there is neither malice in your heart or judgment upon your mind; you're simply "speaking the truth" - as you SEE it! Yes, it is somewhat of a juxtaposition, but we all know when someone's intentions are inflammatory or negative..And, we also know when the truth is cutting to the core of what our so-called "mirrors" somehow don't reveal to us (NOT!); although we just got through looking into them..? My greatest "service" to GOD's people (NOT feats and exploits th...