
Showing posts from August 26, 2013


Concerning the recent outcry all over the Internet and many social media sites, about what Pastor Creflo Dollar is teaching about "the law", I want to respond to what I understand the issue to be, and why there's so many believers calling him a heretic.. THE LAW = DEMANDS, and we ALL were/are unable "to live up to its unrelenting standard of perfection"! GRACE = SUPPLIES, and as long as we submit and surrender to Christ's unlimited power and inexhaustible presence - through both acknowledging and receiving the full benefit of HIS "finished work" at Calvary; we can live this life victoriously and triumphantly, in obedience to the Law of the Spirit of Life - in Christ Jesus! "Appropriating the Finished Work" is believing upon or continually placing our faith in - Christ's Perfect-Substitutionary Sacrifice on our behalf, as the fulfillment of "every righteous requirement" and the satisfactory completion of ...


There are all kinds of "legal nuances" in the City of Los Angeles as it pertains to "lawful evictions", and as I'm positioning myself to repossess certain territory (spiritually-speaking) - and to occupy other territory (which I've never possessed before); I'm listening to the Holy Spirit provide insight into "why things take time", in regards to the "eviction process" being completed. It's pretty clear though...the landlord is basically "recovering possession" of their property.. And, within the eviction process, sometimes the landlord has to file an "Unlawful Detainer" notice with the court, for the stubborn tenants that "refuse to leave"! UNLAWFUL DETAINER: An Unlawful Detainer is the legal name of the suit a landlord brings to evict a tenant from the premises. There are several possible grounds for such an eviction action.  1) the tenant has failed to abide by some obligation in his ...