
Showing posts from November 7, 2019

“Keeping One Another Accountable!”

Mutual Accountability is a must in the church at large .. — Leaders to members; and members to leaders.. Brother to Brother and Sister to Sister (Matthew 18:16-18, CSB) Members to Leaders = (1 Timothy 5:19-20, CSB) WHY? Because of the historic church hopping, church splits and church closings that we should prayerfully address, by identifying and tackling the issues that we read and talk about every day that are all over social media! "Mutual accountability" is founded in "mutual submission" that grounds everyone firmly in the "Priesthood of the Believers", which represents the even delegation, the consistent distribution,  and the balanced dissemination of the burden of care, the burden of loyalty, and the burden of responsibility — related to our "biblical stewardship”; that must be "on" ALL of God's people, equally. Does this mean that "church folks" should challenge anything/everything that the "church le...