
Showing posts from December 7, 2022


The convergence of the prophetic word for your life — and the apex of God's preparation and timing, is one of the most delicate and intense places in our Christian experience, walk and journey! The prophetic word demands "pressing in" to God in a greater way, with no dependence upon our own flesh, ability, or strength to fulfill one letter of the Word of The Lord... The apex of God's preparation and timing, demands relinquishing the life of all your hopes and dreams into His hands, while realizing that the weight of the burden in the process of making you and I a vessel of honor, is completely up to HIM! If we don't properly go through this delicate season , we will produce a tainted vision that will NOT harvest from the accumulation of our past experiences and preparation — as a strategic source for maximum influence and impact upon those we're called to serve!  WS-3 Walter L. Smith III Founder/President Pure In Heart Int'l...