
Showing posts from June 28, 2022


It seems now more than ever before, that I'm just unable to easily discount or ignore the chaos in the "every day" local and national news, and I believe that one of the reasons is due to my developing perspective as a Minister of the Gospel - along with the wisdom that "should come" from forty+years of living; which has me "deeply contemplative" and "seriously sober"...Because, I'm much more aware of God's Word and God's Ways in this season of my life, and my desire to be an effective witness for Christ often keeps me reflective, prayerful and watchful; on "who I am" and "what I represent", and what that really means to those around me (in my world). When you or I choose to selfishly live for ourselves - with no regard for the "bigger picture" or for the "greater purpose" that our very existence should serve, we're normally very lonely and "spiritually lethargic" or dead; s...


"Believing in yourself" is not some existential crisis of YOUR "imbalanced individualism" or "career narcissism"...It's the critical component of "personal identity" that acts as a catalyst for "healthy growth" and development, in every area of your life! Sometimes, Christians tend to be quite imbalanced, by focusing on "the spiritual realm" - ONLY! And, because of this, there's a great absence of holistic approaches to comprehensive discipleship models, and a vacuum amongst "Christian leaders" - around "building Christ identity; while healing - personal integrity", so that every person isn't afraid to "BE" who GOD has called them to be!  "Personal Integrity" is alignment of your spirit, soul and body - to HIS voice within you; that never forgets, ignores or rejects the truth about you, revealed by HIM! Hallelujah!!! When it comes to either the "false...