
Showing posts from January 4, 2023


KINGDOM COMMUNITY: TRANSACTIONAL vs RELATIONAL CULTURE Transactional behavior and culture — earth bound creatures do NOT see the importance of "doing unto others as you would have them do unto you"; and they surely aren't willing "to pay it forward as a common every-day practice" without HAVING or TAKING ADVANTAGE in that relationship, first!! Relational behavior and culture — heaven bound citizens destined for an eternity with a universal community of believers committed to releasing LIGHT, LOVE and TRUTH on every occasion, so that JESUS CHRIST "receives the reward of His Sufferings" on behalf of ALL HUMANITY, because bringing honor, renown and adoration in His Name, to His Fame, and for His Glory is "the air we breath"; as committed and devoted CHRIST FOLLOWERS for all of eternity! RELATIONSHIPS ARE KEY.. There's no doubt about the absolute importance of RELATIONSHIPS in the Kingdom of God! Although we ...