
Showing posts from November 3, 2024


"TAKE that bullseye off of your brother or sisters back - RIGHT NOW, PEOPLE OF GOD!  Your fight is NOT with flesh and blood! Whether they lied on you; discriminated against you; hurt you deliberately or intentionally; have it in for you for no good reason; or are the abrasion pad you NEED to become completely surrendered to Christ, don't personalize the attacks (if you're a true Christ follower)! The lines in the sand have been drawn, and there now PERMANENT and irrevocable!  The Spirit of Grace has contended once and for all with the spirit of accusation, judgment and pride amongst "HIS people"! YOU must get on the Lord's SIDE, now!  May The Lord have MERCY upon your soul; but HE IS a God of justice, righteousness and truth! WS-3 Walter L. Smith III (WS-3) CEO/Principal WS-3 Enterprises & Associates, LLC. Mobile Line: (424) 327-0933 **Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator...


PRAYER MAKES THE DIFFERENCE... When there's PURPOSE for our lives that's in the center of God's Plan, REDEMPTION is on HIS MIND! "HIS love" must be the foundation of everything that we do! If we make this work "about us", we will FAIL; and, if we don't see how God is at work in and through people, we will mismanage the opportunities - leaning to our "own understanding", instead of seeking to do HIS Will. PRAYER is the forerunner of every effort and endeavor that we are to pursue. And, as long as we "employ the supernatural" and keep YAHWEH at the "center", all principalities and powers MUST BOW; as we do what pleases The Lord, and live to honor HIM! All of our "work" must be done - "in faith", "from the place of rest", in "total dependence upon HIM", "by HIS Grace"! The "redemptive thread of Christ' Finished Work", runs through every aspect of this end-time ...


"DEGREES OF BLINDNESS" GOD SAID: For ALL of us — We're simply dealing with DEGREES OF BLINDNESS (spiritually speaking) that has captivated our HEARTS and OUR MINDS, until HE sees fit to AWAKEN US to the truth! WOW.. The JUDGMENT that many of us have toward each other — is JUSTIFIED; because we're HATEFUL, MEAN-SPIRITED, HYPOCRITICAL, or BLINDLY-RELIGIOUS! Our UNIQUE JOURNEY and PROCESS, does very interesting and peculiar things in our "knower" — AND, more importantly, in "how" we PERCEIVE and we JUDGE (righteous vs unrighteous determinations); and the KEY "is", the room and the space we give to CHRIST's REDEEMING WORK in each of our lives; by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ! As we all are aware of the concept called TOLERANCE — which I believe is very flawed and error-ridden on BOTH SIDES of the aisle. Because, HUMAN FLESH is imbalanced, selfish, and corrupt in many respects..SO, as Christians we have to ...