When there's PURPOSE for our lives that's in the center of God's Plan, REDEMPTION is on HIS MIND! "HIS love" must be the foundation of everything that we do! If we make this work "about us", we will FAIL; and, if we don't see how God is at work in and through people, we will mismanage the opportunities - leaning to our "own understanding", instead of seeking to do HIS Will.
PRAYER is the forerunner of every effort and endeavor that we are to pursue. And, as long as we "employ the supernatural" and keep YAHWEH at the "center", all principalities and powers MUST BOW; as we do what pleases The Lord, and live to honor HIM!
All of our "work" must be done - "in faith", "from the place of rest", in "total dependence upon HIM", "by HIS Grace"!
The "redemptive thread of Christ' Finished Work", runs through every aspect of this end-time work that we've been assigned, so our influence and interaction with people, may be their last or only acquaintance - with HIM (through us).
Though results are important, people's souls are priority - and the main focus of our efforts cannot shift from this, in both our prayers and our practice; which means we'll always remain "open" to HIS agenda in every circumstance, and not our own!
YAHWEH is pleased that we are ONE "in HIM", and that our hearts will stay attentive to what HE wills above all else.
Anytime I use my people to do "this level of kingdom business", if they are NOT properly focused or founded in PRAYER, as they engage and contend at these high levels; they easily become "casualties of war"; if they don't understand the grave importance of appropriating Christ's Finished Work, in every effort and during every move! WS-3
Walter L. Smith III (WS-3)
WS-3 Enterprises & Associates, LLC.
Mobile Line: (424) 327-0933
**Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator
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