
Showing posts from November 15, 2011

"A Strategic Call to Order for Church Leaders"

How can the Church be strategic in partnering with private and public agencies, without ALWAYS having its hand out for grants or public money? SERVE! The prevalent social and economic justice issues that unions, organizers and activists believe they need to aggressively pursue concerning their agendas with state and federal politicians, does not primarily derive from a radical commitment to the “public’s good”, or an aggressive response to the needs of a specific community or neighborhood group (by ethnicity) – which should be the driving force and agenda; it's all about MONEY! Are you saying that there are not advocacy groups and sincere activists whose missional focus is not pure and for the people? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I'm saying that those who begin with that intention, end up bombarded by the spirit of mammon and fold under it's influence; thereby caught up in the system there supposed to impact and influence for Christ.  Although there are many...