
Showing posts from January 1, 2014

"The Spirit of Mammon: What Is It?"

The Spirit of Mammon in its diabolical operation often convinces the inexperienced earthly traveler and immature believer, to associate and debate the nature of God’s relationship with the “material world”, as fickle and uninteresting; because the spiritual dimension supersedes the material realm in importance . God’s association with “material things” never changed from the beginning of human history until this day. He governs its substance and make-up, but subjects Himself to humanity’s choice to authenticate faith and allegiance to His governing laws; although He never intended “the fall”, to pervert the original purpose for creating the material as a communications specialist for His agenda. The Father intended “the material” to reveal in both visual and verbal communication to mankind - through our unbroken perceptive reality – the extent of His love, His goodness and His purpose. During this period, “the material” was upheld by Love’s light, and only required the spok...

#MAMMON's "Strong-Hold" Over God's People...


Kim Walker - Fill me up @ Jesus Culture Awakening 2012

Check out this video on YouTube: Sent from WS-3's iPhone

#"MADE-MEN" for the Kingdom of God...


#"FEARING CONFRONTATION" is the hindrance in "occupying territory"!


#"BLESS", Your Ministry!


#"ENLARGEMENT", God's Way...



#"HOWDY, PARTNER..." SO, you're TIRED, and you've made sure that "everybody knows it", BUT - "where is your FAITH"?... Oh, I hear your "gums-flapping" in the background, now... YOU'VE "believed", but STILL WAITING, and "enough is enough" already...Right? RIGHT! Enough is enough! But, WHO are you actually "praying too" or "trying to convince"? That's NOT - FAITH, and also does NOT represent the "reality of our New Testament Covenant", in Christ! For the BELIEVER, it's simple: BELIEVE. RECEIVE. And, REST. If "stuff" gets left undone...Or, if your "reputation" goes bad cause things fall apart...Or, if the people that promised to help have now "turned their backs on you" - DON'T STRESS, JUST REST! PLAYTIME with GOD's WORD, is OVER! It IS, sink or swim time now, BIG BABEHHH... LOL! NEVER, let the devil "s...

#MAKE MY DAY...Says The Lord!

#MAKE MY DAY...Says The Lord!  What we do with PRESSURE, is a "revelation" on the condition of our "perception", concerning our real views of ourselves and God, but what are we actually supposed to do; when our backs are against the wall, the circumstances seem to be getting worse, and it feels like God is "on vacation" - while we wait; and our lives are looking like "hell in a hand basket"?   RECOGNIZE THIS, the plundering of Egypt's wealth by the Israelites, Daniel's deliverance from the lion's den, and David's coronation as "king" of Judah and Israel - happened in a ONE MOMENT in time! I WONDER, what were "they doing", FIVE MINUTES BEFORE the "breakthrough" actually came? Hmm.. Don't waste your "moments"! Whip the devil with God's Word, worship and prayer; and then, WATCH - HIS "supernatural power", "TURN your pressure into PROMOTION"; and WATCH...


What is "FAITH" for, if we're NOT using "it" to overcome: death, impossibilities, loss, opportunities, or unanswered questions? We were BORN (of the Spirit) to "walk on water"! NOW..."Fix your face", "Stop pouting", and "Fight like your LIFE depended upon it"! (LOL!) Don't be a "SPIRITUAL PUNK", man-up, handle your business, and "laugh your way" to VICTORY - Child of The Most High God! So, (eh hem..) LOL! DO - what you can, where you are, with what you have, in Jesus' name! WS-3 Sent from WS-3's iPhone


"WHAT WOULD THE WORLD BE LIKE, IF..." WE ALL actually REALLY "forgave debts" - at the conclusion of each year, and "fresh starts" had more to do with everyone experiencing "actual changes", then saying a bunch of "new year's resolutions", "positive thoughts" and "magical confessions"... WE ALL decided that "graduated development" and "accumulated experience" didn't just "go away", when the clock struck Midnight... WE ALL started to "be" radically unselfish and generous beyond the norm, because then - the Body of Christ would be the force that Christ intended; by eradicating - homelessness, hunger, orphans, and dilapidated communities... WE ALL lived to "serve others" as a priority and focus ALL YEAR LONG!  Our "crime rates" and the negative "societal statistics" would dramatically decrease, and the world would be "bette...

#"MORE", for "what" exactly?


