WE ALL actually REALLY "forgave debts" - at the conclusion of each year, and "fresh starts" had more to do with everyone experiencing "actual changes", then saying a bunch of "new year's resolutions", "positive thoughts" and "magical confessions"...
WE ALL decided that "graduated development" and "accumulated experience" didn't just "go away", when the clock struck Midnight...
WE ALL started to "be" radically unselfish and generous beyond the norm, because then - the Body of Christ would be the force that Christ intended; by eradicating - homelessness, hunger, orphans, and dilapidated communities...
WE ALL lived to "serve others" as a priority and focus ALL YEAR LONG! Our "crime rates" and the negative "societal statistics" would dramatically decrease, and the world would be "better" - but, STILL LOST!
A "spirit of idealism" is ALWAYS prevalent - the first FEW DAYS of the New Year! LOL!
But, YOU and I, have the opportunity, while blood still flows through our vains, to "make a difference - BY, being the difference", EVERY DAY THIS YEAR!
CHRISTIANS: If you determine to "live conscious" of our God-given freedoms, prosperity and opportunities on this "blessed planet" that we live - in spite of ALL the problems, you will NOT spend all year "seeing and rehearsing what is WRONG"...
INSTEAD, the "same Spirit" that raised Christ from the dead QUICKENS US, to be HIS hands and HIS feet in the world, by NOT making the lives that we live on earth, ABOUT - you or me!
"2014: The Year of Restoration, Through Reclamation & Supernatural Recovery!"
GOD has appointed this season of time, to RESTORE according to HIS "original intent", and will use our "claiming and reclaiming" - HIS precious promises and prophetic utterances over our lives, in 2014 & Beyond!
"5774: Ayin Dalet" represents God's people "seeing with HIS eyes" and walking through the "open doors" that will at first seem "hidden" to the natural eye, but strategically prepared for the purpose HE's had in mind since the beginning of time - when HE saw this very hour...
The Lord intends to "invade your space" (life) with greater intensity and intentionality, by your pressing-in and cooperating-with HIM - in everything and in every area that HE commands you, out of your sincere love and desire to please HIM.
Resistance or inconsistency in both pursuing and seeking HIS purpose - above our own, will have even greater affects and impacts upon the people, places and things that are a part of our world. IN OTHER WORDS, Jonah's "delayed obedience" and "stubborn resistance" became "known" to those NOT in covenant with Jehovah; YET, they discerned his disobedience and the "anointing" that he possessed without "his self-promotion or prideful attitude"!
"BE" the answer to SOMEONE's PRAYER, every day this year! WS-3
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. -
The Center For Kingdom Advancement
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"An Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry Bridging Faith & Culture"
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