
Showing posts from October 4, 2011

"MY HOUSE - Shall Be Called A House of Prayer!"

Prayer is vital communication with God, important to human existence and the God-kind of life! In the life of Christ, we see numerous occasions of “all night” prayer and times of refreshing in the presence of the Father. Jesus did nothing apart from the Father’s guidance and governance. (John 5:19)* In the same way that Satan deceived Eve in the garden, he deceives the church through cunning deception and twists God’s word or upsets the creative order of God. “Satan blinds peoples minds to God’s truth.” (2 Cor.4: 4)* Every ‘thing’ has a reason for existence. It will either have: A Purposed Application, or A Perverted Relevance In our mandate to pray, we’ve misunderstood our role of responsibility and rarely receive answers to our prayers. We violate our level of authority and fail, due to lack of understanding. GOD’S DIVINE HEAVENLY ORDER INCLUDES: The Third Heaven or the “heaven of heavens” (Neh.9: 6)* = the dwelling place of God’s throne and all benevolent spiri...

"God is NOT passive!"

"Spiritual revelation" unpacks the knowledge of God in "grace-portions" that directly contributes to the empowerment of the believer in whatever their current circumstances demand. God is NOT passive about your present challenges, but is constantly working to renew your mind and to eradicate all fear - while educating you about "The Unshakeable Kingdom". If timelines, deadlines and material loss paralyzes and silences your praise, you need some REVELATION to wake you up! Don't you dare let your faith fail you!   What is a "grace-portion"? It's a spiritual shot-in-the-arm that releases enablement and empowerment from the Holy Ghost to you as ingest, digest and "in faith" APPLY what you have received from His Holy Word. Hope this helps. WS-3