
Showing posts from September 10, 2022


"GENUINE ANOINTING" (the degree of God's Presence being released "in" and "through" our human experience) by actively sharing our overcoming testimonies "in Christ" — while also being completely surrendered to God) in a Christian's life, is NOT PRODUCED through simply sharing about somebody else's struggles, weaknesses or sins! But, in boldly and openly testifying about OUR OWN STUFF, that by God's Power ALONE, we have overcome!! YOU are NOT ANOINTED because your oratory skills or writing ability "stirs the crowd" or gets "likes" or "comments" on Facebook.. BURDENS are removed and YOKES are destroyed, when OUR obedience — "to the point of DEATH to SELF" (in our soulish thoughts connected to the "old man") has come full circle, through the various moments, cycles and seasons of our abundant lives in Christ that HE DETERMINES as the "development director...