
Showing posts with the label Grace is not license

"The Grace Card?"

There is a subtle - but noticeable fear amongst many leaders in the Body of Christ, about the isolation and stigmitization of speaking-out against sin.  If the leader appears to be righteously indignant towards sins that could possibly communicate intolerance for things that may be generally acceptable or culturally prevalent , any vocal disagreement seems to characterize some level of hypocrisy , prejudice and  perverted judgment - and no one wants "Cain's mark" to be associated with their names. Hypocrisy because, every leader has some "issue" their dealing with - "so who are they to talk!" Prejudice because, every leader "values and devalues" based upon personal preference and experience without thoroughly investigating what they choose to judge - unless their completely resigned to give God first place in every area of their hearts and lives. Perverted judgment because, many leaders choose which things they'll "deal...