
Showing posts from December 7, 2016


YES..YES..I know, the "title" of this blog "got you"; and I'm GLAD it did!   READ ON...(Smile) When we were growing up, "temper tantrums" were NOT an acceptable form of "behavioral release" (LOL!!) AND, "if" you decided to let your "upset self" clown or "throw a fit" in the floor, you could expect the "BEAT DOWN" of your life; and, BE ASSURED that EVERY ADULT in the HOUSEHOLD was EVENTUALLY gonna get a piece of that "backside" -- before "days end", in JESUS' NAME; at least in "most" BLACK HOUSEHOLDS, as far as I know...LOL!! Do I have "A WITNESS"?   LOL!! NOW, as much as we KNOW that GOD desires our "best representation" as an ambassador and witness in HIS Name!   What's even MORE IMPORTANT "is" that we recognize GOD never JUDGES "our humanity", but "our carnality" that we too often ...