The "metric for success" in the mountain of RELIGION, has become so tainted, tilted and turbulent (spiritually speaking), that some people don't really know whether their coming or going in respect to their relationship with Christ, in the so-called progress" of our me-centered churches that are supposed to be doing EVERYTHING "in the name of The Lord".. I understand why it's so easy for many of us to become misaligned and disjointed with the "where we are" moment by moment in our walk of faith. Because we're all quite shallow in our heart dispositions towards what "real suffering" truly looks like. The "desire to grow", coupled with the "openness to change" – believe it or not, is the primary barrier to most "church growth", based upon the years of consultancy and research on the "culture" of many churches around the globe. What do you mean? This innate desire to spiritu...