"THE HEART & MOUTH MUST AGREE!" When you do not "value your own words", as much as God's Word, you devalue the weight of influence they have in the world being created around you - even when you speak "with conviction"; because the authority of every man or woman is diminished by "the heart and the mouth" in disagreement! This denotes the primary reason "idle communication" is judged, according to Matthew 12; "by your own words, you will be justified or condemned"... TALK "with purpose and on purpose"! So, when God uses you to speak for HIM (prophesy), even what you share "from your heart", and not as a "Thus Saith The Lord" - will move people towards HIM! WATCH - Your Words..WS-3 Walter L. Smith III Founder/President Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./ The Center For Kingdom Advancement Corporate Line: (424) 359-9180 www.PIHIM...