
Showing posts from August 22, 2022


"Process" is NOT God's arbitrary need to control your life or to involve Himself in the subsequent pathways we all eventually undertake on the journey of faith!  God does "work things" in us to bear a greater measure of fruit through us, but we must become honest about why certain things are happening in our lives; and graciously wait and appreciate His goodness and mercy through the difficult learning curves we call -"process"! Consider this: If you would just "repent", change your mind+attitude+direction about the problem area (sin) in your life, God would "take time out of the equation" and supernaturally do what your perfect performance, humanistic efforts, and "contacts" can't do - without years or tears prolonging the manifestation! Understand God-processing, and be free from being the source of your own demise today!  "Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the...