
Showing posts from August 30, 2012

"So You Call Yourself A Christian, Heh?"

DISCLAIMER:   SO, when a Christian is consistently EXERCISING DOMINION, many view this as some “Theological Takeover”; but, what it REALLY REPRESENTS is an “authentic Christianity” — that well represents the INEXHAUSTIBLE HEADSHIP of Jesus Christ; in WISDOM, in HUMILITY, in HONOR, and in REVERENCE towards Almighty God in everything that we say and do! When we understand this, then the RIGHT OF CONSCIENCE becomes a critically important element for “how” CHRISTIANS should relate “with” and “to” THE WORLD! IMPOSING OUR IDEALS on everyone is NOT the answer! DISCIPLING THE NATIONS to everyone is having our PROPER FOCUS; and the only way to DO THIS RIGHT is by KNEE-LEADING! GOD’s UNFOLDING AGENDA My passion for the lost, and my love for the diversity of humanity has intensified, since I first realized the call of God upon my life and began to walk in it!  One of the things I've grown to appreciate is the "Mind of the Spirit", which knows the best part of our humanity, and devel...