THIS is PHARISEEISM, because MAX LUCADO and NO OTHER CHRISTIAN LEADER is "the standard bearer" for the watching world! YES, we REFLECT CHRIST "by the grace of Almighty God", but we don't MAKE EXCUSES or TUCK-and-RUN, because of a mistake (or SIN) someone else "found out about".. WITHOUT proper DISCIPLESHIP, MISREPRESENTATION is a "common occurrence"! JESUS' REPRESENTATION can "hold up" under the fire of "worldly criticism"!!! And, since this is HIS MIND, GOD has been DESTROYING "the glass house syndrome" around HIS "mightily used VESSELS" -- since the 80's. But, WE, in our "political correctness and religiosity" want to explain away what JUSTIFICATION in CHRIST means; especially for a "baby Christian" (like DONALD TRUMP) who is just getting under "Christ's BLOOD"! We ALL are (BY THE GRACE OF GOD, through the POWER OF T...