
Showing posts from November 7, 2011

"The Bridegroom Message"

A Call To Active Intimacy With God 10 The Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God...12 we have received...the Spirit...that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. (1 Cor. 2:10-12) A. The Bridegroom Message is a call to active intimacy with God. The Bridal Message speaks of God’s invitation for us to experience the deep things of His heart (emotions and affections). To enjoy active intimacy with Jesus includes feeling His heart for us and others. The Bridal Message also speaks of experiencing Jesus’ emotions (desires and priorities). 18 You may be able to comprehend…. the width and length and depth and height-- to know the love of Christ... (Eph 3:18-19) B. To understand Jesus as a passionate - Bridegroom is to soon see ourselves as a cherished Bride. Intimacy causes our hearts to be lovesick for Jesus (inflamed; enraptured; overcome by His love). This prophecy emphasizes that we will “call out” in two different directions. Fir...

"What is Apostolic Pre-Millennialism?"

Apostolic Pre-Millennialism A. We use the term “apostolic” as an adjective to describe the vision, values, and perseverance (in persecution) of the New Testament Church, as raised up under the leadership of the first century apostles. In other words, Apostolic Christianity embraces a New Testament lifestyle. B. “Apostolic eschatology” speaks of a view of the End-Times that reflects the vision, power and lifestyle of the New Testament Apostolic Church. Apostolic eschatology will equip believers for apostolic (New Testament) lifestyles and perspectives in the midst of the coming great revival and persecution. I refer to apostolic eschatology as “Apostolic Pre-Tribulation/Pre-Millennialism.” This view calls the Church to victory, wholeheartedness and relevance in the midst of gross darkness. C. Apostolic Christianity or New Testament Christianity will emerge in the End-Times as the Spirit raises up a victorious Church that operates in unprecedented unity, intimacy and matu...