"What is Apostolic Pre-Millennialism?"

Apostolic Pre-Millennialism

A. We use the term “apostolic” as an adjective to describe the vision, values, and perseverance (in persecution) of the New Testament Church, as raised up under the leadership of the first century apostles. In other words, Apostolic Christianity embraces a New Testament lifestyle.

B. “Apostolic eschatology” speaks of a view of the End-Times that reflects the vision, power and lifestyle of the New Testament Apostolic Church. Apostolic eschatology will equip believers for apostolic (New Testament) lifestyles and perspectives in the midst of the coming great revival and persecution. I refer to apostolic eschatology as “Apostolic Pre-Tribulation/Pre-Millennialism.” This view calls the Church to victory, wholeheartedness and relevance in the midst of gross darkness.

C. Apostolic Christianity or New Testament Christianity will emerge in the End-Times as the Spirit raises up a victorious Church that operates in unprecedented unity, intimacy and maturity (Eph. 4:13), which includes a significant release of the Holy Spirit’s gifts, fruit, and wisdom (Eph. 4:13; 5:27; Matt. 16:18; 22:37; Jn. 17:21-26; Rev. 19:7; 12:11; 15:2).

1. A victorious Church attains to unity, intimacy and maturity resulting in the greatest revival in history as it is led by the five-fold ministry (Eph. 4:11-13; 5:27). The praying End- Time Church will walk in power and revelation as it is used by the Holy Spirit to bring in the great End-Time Ingathering of souls.

11 He gave…apostles, some prophets…12…equipping of the saints…13 till we ALL come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge (intimacy) of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the…stature of the fullness of Christ (maturity). (Eph. 4:11-13)

2. A wholehearted Church walks in “Sermon on the Mount lifestyles” of self-denial and serving, giving, blessing, praying and fasting as seen in the New Testament Church (Mt. 5-7). This discipleship lifestyle of “happy holiness” will be energized by bridal intimacy and an ever-deepening experience with Jesus as the Bridegroom God (Rev. 22:17). In the End-Times, the Church will be purified in the context of the great revival and pressure resulting in the separation of true believers from compromising ones.

27 That He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. (Eph. 5:27)

3. A relevant Church understands the value of our present labors in three ways. First, we must see the benefit of winning the lost through discipleship by preparing our congregations to be end-time forerunner-messengers, and releasing God’s justice (judgments) against evil through intercessory worship and spirit-led outreach. (Ps. 149:6-9). Second, seeing the continuity of our labors now to our life in the age-to-come. In other words, some of our present impact in society (releasing justice in legislation, education, technology, scientific advancements, etc) will have continuity in the Millennium by continuing after Jesus returns. Third, in seeing how our current labors of love will impact our personal eternal rewards and ministry assignments in the Millennial Kingdom.

Confronting (4) deceptions in the Church

A. “Lazy-friendly” spiritual culture that is currently seducing the Western Church by its casual view of compromise and a false view of eternal security that does not depend on vibrant faith. All have an eschatology even if it is simply to be happy with and have an easy life. This view of the future is the most popular one and will please many people, be very popular and will make one many friends, however, we desire to be an oracle of God not man pleasers.

B. Replacement theology that denies Israel’s place in God’s purpose.

C. Prayerless cessationism that believes that the gifts of the Spirit and the five-fold ministry have ceased, therefore, they do not contend in prayer with fasting for the their full release.

D. Symbolic interpretation of most End-Time prophecy that significantly reduces, dismisses, or ignores the literal, future events in the End-Time drama. This approach to Scripture fuels a scoffing spirit of unbelief and hardness of heart (2 Pet. 3:3; Mk. 16:14; Lk. 24:25, 38).


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