
Showing posts from June 22, 2023


YOUR LIFE IS “THE ALTAR”.. Of the noticeably authentic Apostolic and Prophetic — NATIONAL PRAYER MOVEMENTS emerging right now, “RAISING THE ALTAR” (RTA) headquartered in Riverside, California,    and “THE ALTAR” of Corporate Worship & Prayer, headquartered in Orlando, Florida, seem to both be thoughtfully and wisely calling the Universal Family of God and the Body of Christ, to lay down our lives in prayer! “Raising an altar” is a way to express appreciation for God, to avert calamity, and to strengthen fellowship with God. Some say that altars are raised to:  Appreciate God: To thank God, be happy, rejoice, and testify  Avert calamity: For example, 2 Samuel 24:25 says that David built an altar to the Lord, offering burnt offerings and peace offerings  Strengthen fellowship with God: For example, to secure blessings from God when he speaks to you in a dream or presents gifts, blessings, or favor Some steps for raising an altar include: Finding a sacred place...