
Showing posts from April 26, 2013

"Building Bridges - The LGBT & Christian Communities..." (Part 2)

The Father’s Heart Part 1 and 3 BLOGS (Original Book Content) DO WE REALLY NEED A BRIDGE? Okay… First, let me explain "why" the LGBT & Christian communities need to "build bridges"… You can't watch the news without "seeing the need"...   There are people of every cultural, ethnic group and nationality being impacted by "the debate"; and "ready and appropriate answers" must be given, especially from Ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! ALL CHRISTIANS, who are "truly blood-bought", which have a proper understanding of "God's Amazing Grace", really have no room to condemn, to judge or to walk outside of God's Unconditional Love - towards anyone; EVER!   WHY DO CHRISTIANS JUDGE ? When we "judge", from a biblical point of view (Matthew 7:1), we are "standing to represent ourselves - in Christ's place"; meaning ...