
Showing posts from October 18, 2011

"Leadership Vacuums": The Threat & The Opportunity

Today, 99% of our world's biggest threats and crises exists due to the pervasive " leadership vacuums " that have become so prevalent in every field and societal-center of influence. Although, we've curiously asked ourselves 'why', all too often we've ambitiously pursued "greatness" - without first embracing the fundamental process that shapes us into becoming great and effective leaders worth following. " Judging ourselves " before rushing to assume these important roles and assignments, then becomes most critical in the self-check and heart-purification that will generally expose "the masquerade" that often parades itself as "leadership"; but is simply "followership with a title" and "a tickling-ear message" that incites others to blindly follow, without being proven, perfected, or polished by His loving hands and presence. But, sadly, we've quickly laid blame or made many tired excuses...