
Showing posts from July 1, 2013


One of the real difficulties we all have to face in building relationships and dealing with people, Christian or otherwise, is "maintaining a right heart attitude", when you encounter (AND, it's inevitable) individuals who are: "Faulty" (bogged-down with old hurts in relationships) "Flaky" (make empty promises and often misrepresent their ability and intentions) "Full-of-it" (mean-spirited,  judgmental and ornery)  There's A LOT going on in this season, and the Body of Christ urgently needs to rally and support one another, for the imminent things on the horizon; BUT, "if we can't TRUST each other", some of the unnecessary fallout and struggles will become more prevalent. What we do with pressure REVEALS - "who we really are", and instead of attacking, backbiting, or ignoring the things our circumstances will cause us to confront; we must deepen the roots of our faith and share God's LOVE, to help heal and rest...


I think I've probably irritated (pissed-off) all the people who are going to "unfriend me" on Facebook already (by now) or quit reading my blog, because I KNOW "my mini-sermonette' s" don't sit well with some people - who really don't understand my call, the associated pain and prayer relating to it, and the faith that is required for me "to put myself out there" - to be despised, rejected or disliked; because "I'm called to SPEAK the truth, in love in these last and evil days!" BUT, anyone who KNOWS ME, also knows that - "I'm OVER IT", already (Lol), and "I'd rather OBEY GOD, than man!"... That being said..I'm OFFICIALLY - crying out for The Body of Christ, who are aware, conscious and engaged in the walk of faith with CHRIST - "to STEP UP your game!" SATAN's "advanced strategies" are keeping us divided, because YOU THINK "we need to like each other - to love each o...