
Showing posts with the label Breaking Yokes of Bondage

"The Psychology of Entertainment & the Spiritual Impact of Entertaining...": ‘The Application’

" What does the "psychology of entertainment" have to do with the "spiritual impact of entertaining"? The subtleties of satanic influence occurs the most in the lives of believers in Christ Jesus, when the deceptive feelings of invincibility and the twisted thoughts of self-importance, begins to perversely contaminate and skew our ability to discern the drifting and shifting in our own hearts; and the key to consistently overcoming is by intentionally "guarding our hearts -- with all diligence and vigilance", KNOWING that "out of our hearts flow the issues of life"! In everything that carries the potential for "abundance" comes the freedom to choose or select anything that delights our tastes; the opportunity to experience new things in the "spur of the moment" - often with little concern of the consequence or potential of "interim setbacks" and conflicts; and our normal standards of conduct and value systems ...