
Showing posts from September 29, 2011

"Building Bridges - The LGBT & Christian Communities..."

My Thoughts on Homosexuality Disclaimer : This is not an attempt to be academic or empirical in the way that I approached writing this document, neither is it meant to be a comprehensive strategy to the many "fronts" that exist with this landmark issue.   I'm simply speaking from my heart, and I did NOT consult anyone about this issue as I've been prayerfully constructing this opinion – based upon my current or developing "biblical knowledge". Forgive my “limited knowledge” concerning the scope of the issue, as you read. Where you discover errors or omissions, please feed back to me at ( ), so that I can gain more insight and better understanding as I address this community that I love, despite our obvious differences. I'm not fragile, so don't waste time hurling insults - it really won't be given my precious energy, or affect me! God Bless!   ( Pastor Walter L Smith III; Published on 9/29/2011 )   P.S. - Read to...