
Showing posts with the label Urgent Response Required


I'm praying for some people in my life right now, who I know have very little leeway for negotiating with God through their blatant disobedience and fairweather followership , as if their doing God a favor by following Him! This delusional arrogance is satanic and destructive, and will reveal itself first through unrepentant obstinance - followed by self-righteous justifications and deflections . The enemy knows that our influence may be the only life-line to keep their soul from hell-fire, but we're only responsible for obeying what He's told us to do! We are in some extremely dangerous times , spiritually speaking, and some of the diabolical influences we've entertained for too many years, will now be permitted to dominate our lives without us completely surrendering to Christ! If they have the attitude, "not me", but are living in a place of compromise to truth, PRAY !  HELL is REAL!   WS-3