THE PARADOX OF FAITH is a very weighty - spiritual (warfare), psychological (mental anguish) and sociological (public embarrassment) dilemma, outside of God's Word, and sometimes the ONLY way to stand - is "TO STAND"!
Choosing "any outlet" (alcohol, backsliding, drugs, gossip, sex, etc) outside of Christ's Inexhaustible Headship, is "futility in motion"!
It simply reveals that "that which lies dormant", is more-or-less, "hibernating in our sub-conscious", until the the right circumstance or situation arises...
"Medicating pain" then, seems to be the only solvent for immediate relief, but it leaves you full of regret, shame and disappointment; and prolongs the season you're seeking to graduate from - if God permit!
Some days, "I feel like I'm going to be taken FROM the earth" (to heaven), and other days "I feel like I'm going to be taken TO the earth" (the nations); and, I...