
Showing posts from September 27, 2013


The DEVELOPMENTALLY-DISABLED are the "purest souls" and most "righteous representation" of humanity in the ENTIRE EARTH! They are HERE "on assignment" from THE FATHER above, and literally send "spiritual shock-waves" into the heavenlies, as a source of torment and devastation to the forces of darkness! WHY? Because, "their whole SPIRIT, SOUL & BODY is preserved blameless until the coming of our LORD!" (1 Thessalonians 5:23) THEIR HEARTS ARE PERFECT TOWARDS GOD! That CONSECRATION and "unadulterated praise" is deadly to the enemy - even if they can't speak, are completely immobile, or are in a vegetative state! THEIR PRESENCE ON EARTH is a deafening blow to Satan-Himself, so his primary strategy is to: "Use the shunning and shame of the world", to make FAMILIES and SOCIETY AS A WHOLE - "believe that their (the families) are UNDER A CURSE"! IF YOU or YOUR FAMILY have a "developmental...




LISTEN: When CHRIST selects a "functionary voice" (apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, or teacher) for HIS use, and in this case "a PROPHET" in particular, when HE determines to speak - "they" DON'T NEED to be "publicly known", "politically correct", or "denominationally-aligned"! THE TRUE APOSTOLIC ORDER, under The Inexhaustible Headship of Christ - who is SEATED "at the right hand of The Father", is NOT anthropocentrically-bound - or limited by "men in power"! YES, ALMIGHTY GOD (according to Romans 13) sets everyone "in authority" ("ultimately"; "after the Council/Counsel and according to HIS Will"; godly and ungodly), and we MUST understand this.. So, in relation to what "the SPIRIT wills" - "the kings of the earth", "rebellious 'spiritual' leaders", and "opponents of the Christian faith" - LABOR IN VAIN!  WS-3