
Showing posts from July 13, 2023


"CHRISTIANESE" vs "CHRISTIANIZE" One of the most RELIGIOUS and IRRITATING ACTIVITIES too me, in relation to CHRISTIANESE and it's self-righteous inferences, is the OVERUSE OF BIBLICAL DESCRIPTIVES — as if you "saying it" is going to MAKE IT A REALITY!! "Prophetic Sunday", "Prophetic Wednesday", "Prophetic Friday" Glory Gathering of Global Prophetic Saints & Friends Title-toting bandits with SELF-PROCLAIMED titles or UNQUALIFIED AGENTS that "God called" in the unique VACUUM related to their "peculiar calling", etc. etc. STOP IT! - Taking a trip or multiple visits overseas may represent "traveling internationally", but it doesn't make you a GLOBAL MINISTRY.. - It's MOCKERY to assume a post that GENERALS poured their blood out for.. -"Googling it" doesn't mean that you KNOW IT, HAVE IT or POSSESS IT.. -Trying to "become" befo...