
Showing posts from July 6, 2022


Somewhere in the scheme of the "strange doctrines" that were  improperly taught during the past twenty-years in the Body of Christ, we've grown to assume that God's Commands, God's Will, & God's Purpose are "negotiable", or that we can "massage" them into our own schedules, thinking and ministry agendas.. BUT, this is a "gross error" and the spiritual backdrop behind many of the cycles and seasons that the Body of Christ has traversed, which were NOT in the Father's Plan; but became a part of "the required lessons that we very much needed to learn"! I've NEVER really liked the explanation of what some preachers share concerning the "perfect will" and the "permissive will" of God, although I fully understand the meaning behind both of these doctrinal interpretations of scripture. IF GOD intended Moses to "speak to the rock, instead of striking the rock", the fa...