Somewhere in the scheme of the "strange doctrines" that were  improperly taught during the past twenty-years in the Body of Christ, we've grown to assume that God's Commands, God's Will, & God's Purpose are "negotiable", or that we can "massage" them into our own schedules, thinking and ministry agendas..

BUT, this is a "gross error" and the spiritual backdrop behind many of the cycles and seasons that the Body of Christ has traversed, which were NOT in the Father's Plan; but became a part of "the required lessons that we very much needed to learn"!

I've NEVER really liked the explanation of what some preachers share concerning the "perfect will" and the "permissive will" of God, although I fully understand the meaning behind both of these doctrinal interpretations of scripture.

IF GOD intended Moses to "speak to the rock, instead of striking the rock", the fact that the "water still flowed" - is most often understood to mean that "God permitted it", because HE wanted the Israelites to have water; and although it didn't occur - "as HE (God) willed it to be" (which would represent Moses' cooperation with God), so that they (the people) didn't suffer - instead, HE (God) let Moses get away with doing it - "his way"..?!?

NOW, I don't know about YOU, but that's the lamest thing that I ever heard!

It's actually a LEGAL MATTER that is "all about" the free-will or volition of humanity to choose to OBEY (life) or to DISOBEY (death), which places us into AGREEMENT and ALIGNMENT with the Natural and Spiritual Laws that govern all things; or absolutely in disunity and dissidence with God's Ways. (Ps. 115:16)

The misuse of our "limited sovereignty" (as human beings) under the Inexhaustible Headship of Christ, ultimately places us in direct opposition to the Will of God, or in complete agreement with  the END RESULT — determining the impacts of "how" our cooperation and our participation WITH GOD plays into "the realities" we experience in this life!!

Either it's God's way, or "the highway" (your way); which means toiling, wandering and yielding to feelings, impulses and lamentations - instead of obeying The Lord, without apology or prejudice!

In Ecclesiastes 11:8 , the Bible says that "He who observes the wind, will NOT sow."  The clear implication in this passage is, "people aren't looking at the wrong things to confirm - GOD'S WILL?!?"

Are we going to be like that "faithless and perverse generation", which Jesus makes reference to "that seeks after a sign", instead of "taking HIM at HIS word"?

One of "my" MAJOR TESTS has been in the area of "giving and receiving", which is the "kingdom way"...

I have NO ISSUE "generously sowing" into whatever God brings before me (most of the time), but I have a hard time ASKING for help, and (I use to) have a hard time receiving - UNTIL, God left "no other options for me"...


GOD WILL FIX our resistance and stubbornness, if we attempt to "do things our way", NOT HIS; and the real issue isn't that God is nitpicking over the insignificant details..

Our spiritual conundrum is, "the purpose connected to us embracing God's Ways", is that HE longs to instruct us and teach us "in the way" - so we DON'T "get in the way" of HIS blessings overtaking us! Lol! 


One of the main areas I've felt The Lord grieving, is specifically in and over GIVING, which is one of the foundational pillars of an "authentic kingdom operation" - and the "lottery mentality" along with the "tipping out of obligation" in the church, is grossly offensive to the Spirit of Grace (Christ) who gave HIS ALL on our behalf!

Tied to this deception, is the "convenience mentality", which means or equates to "not of necessity"; so, "if giving burdens you, stretches you, or inconveniences you - it COULD NOT be God"!

Is God leading you to "give less", or are YOU - leading you to do so?  This "praying before you obey God's commands" is DECEPTION! 

"Proportionate Giving" is biblical giving! That means, if you're giving to God (or HIS chosen representation in the earth) a $100 seed, with $2 million dollars in the bank, you're STINGY, unprofitable and don't understand the kingdom of God!

I know we use to "make fun" of the Tithes & Offerings being put up on the bulletin board/chalk board near the Sunday School numbers (LOL!), but, at least you KNEW what the budget was; and how much was needed for the bills to be paid!

How do you "spiritualize disobedience", anyway?  

WELL, I'm glad that you asked..

- Feeling like you always need, "the right word in the right season..", keeps many people from "obeying the instructions that they've already been given!"
- "Needing a confirmation before you obey" is neither faith nor wisdom, it's oftentimes a so-called legitimate excuse for disobedience! You've asked God to reveal whether HE wanted you to do something, and then renegotiate - because "additional information" has you on the ropes...
- Trusting in "outward appearances" more than your "inward witness" has you second-guessing everything that you hear, so you end up doing nothing that God has asked of you..
- "Counting the cost" is STILL the will of God, but is NOT how we legitimately excuse our disobedience or fear of obeying The Lord in our giving to HIS work and HIS kingdom!

God is saying to HIS Church - "Move forward, because I SAID SO!" 

NOT, because you "feel comfortable", all of your "fleeces" were answered, or you will receive some official recognition for your giving!

If we assign what God has said (specific instructions to us in a given timeframe and season) to what HE is saying now, we'll question and waiver about the "new thing" that HE's doing, right now!

The Israelites wanted to return to Egypt, because it was initially scary for them in the wilderness. What may be considered "hard", wasn't because they lacked anything in their journey, at all! 

When our "flesh" wearies with the painstaking process required to see God's will fully carried out and manifested, at that moment, we can determine "where we really are" - concerning HIS plans and purposes, which we often "say" is our desire...

In this very important season of the Body of Christ, "negotiating obedience" and "spiritualizing disobedience" is a bad idea and true misrepresentation of the "servant leadership" that every Christian-disciple should be willing to model!


Step-up and into the next dimension of your Christian service in giving, loving, receiving, and serving! The world needs YOU!

#We-Get-To-Serve! WS-3 (Walter L Smith III, Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. - PIHIM, and Yahayra Smith)

Walter L. Smith III
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./
The Center For Kingdom Advancement 
Corporate Line: (424) 359-9180

California Office
1455 Redondo Beach Blvd 
Unit 3609
Gardena, CA 90247-6588

**Leadership Greater Rochester, Class of 2018!

**Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator

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