
Showing posts from August 1, 2023


"PUBLIC SERVANTS.." Anytime we think about "public servants, normally the first thought we have is in regards to those who serve a "public office", like a mayor, city councilman, or any other political office that has direct responsibility "to the people".. PREACHERS are also "public servants", but their first accountability and allegiance is to Almighty God; but, right after that - "we" are responsible and accountable to the people that God has "given us too"! One of the many realities that has become such a foundation in my soul is: - "I can't lead people, where I haven't been!" - "I can't relate with people, who I can not 'see'!" - I can't impact people, when I'm not full of love!" - I can't walk with people, unless I'm living, talking and walking with God!" There is NO GOOD THING in us, accept The Lord h...