
Showing posts from November 19, 2019


There's an INTERESTING "theology" around "getting or completing your education" amongst many Pentecostal and Charismatic ministers, but WHY?  I'm researching it now, but there's a FEW THINGS that come to my mind as I'm thinking about it: - Some people believe that "revelation knowledge" makes "base knowledge", unnecessary..THIS is FALSE, and proves to be if you follow the logical path to that thinking. E.g. - IF GOD "gives us a revelation about a disease someone's battling with -- through a "word of knowledge" or "word of wisdom", the NEXT DAY we can't go "practice medicine"; right?!? RIGHT! "Laugh out loud!"!  YES, that "revelation" may provide insight that makes medicine or the scheduled procedure unnecessary, but has NO BEARING on your "capacity" beyond what was "revealed"! - Some people "say" that "God told t...