"THE LURE" OF WORSHIPFUL RELUCTANCE.. KEY SCRIPTURE: John 13:12-17 A SERVANT's HEART IS THE KEY Servanthood is NOT an exciting, popular or trendy subject to teach or to discuss at all. And the reason it's NOT the lottery pick amongst biblical topics, is because SELFISHNESS and SUBTERFUGE tends to rule the day, in a blindingly oblivious, sadly superficial, and intentional way amongst God’s People. Many of us begrudgingly spend our Christian lives submitting and surrendering to HIS Lordship; except we often despise the moments when — waiting through hard times, or waiting on the Lord to break us through; is no easy task or peaceful journey to traverse with a scripture or two to stand on, along with an attitude of faith to boot. At times, it feels like our confessions and professions of faith are being IGNORED, MOCKED, and DESPISED by the enemy of our soul; without us actually remembering or genuinely grasping how vested Almighty God is in our well-bein...