
Showing posts from January 20, 2022


WE NEED PARTNERS.. Since October 1997, Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./The Center For Kingdom Advancement has been in the business of prophetically and apostolically building the Kingdom every where we've received assignments from the Lord. For For all these years, we've worked behind the scenes supporting the leadership and management of both small and large churches, and in the Hebrew Year 5782, we're actively moving out with Music, Multi-Media Ministry, and Innovative Gospel Messaging across every available platform. Because of the frequency of my Pauline assignments in connection to the work, we never took offerings and simply financed the work as the Lord provided.  Now, on the verge of moving out by faith and trusting God to provide our every means for operating and building the ministry for the glory of His Kingdom! PLEASE CONSIDER..Being our PARTNER! > ASKPASTORWALTER BLOG LINKS: ~The Power of Partnership with ...