
Showing posts from May 22, 2023


If YOU are a Visionary of the upcoming wave of God's Glory, you will NOT have "bandwagon Christians" on board - early on; to preserve the integrity of what Christ is building in HIS Church, so don't be DISCOURAGED by "the deer in headlights look" about much of what you say and do! PATHFINDERS don't consult the masses for confirmation of God's Purpose & Plans; instead they move in the spirit of a forerunner, often working crosswise of the status quo leaders -- without one bit of authentic "heavenly vision" or passion in them! In order to survive the onslaught of UNBELIEF, FEAR and INTIMIDATION that comes with "occupying new territory", you must cooperate and partner with likeminded hearts and voices that have been identified to you already! You're HESITATING to do so, because you see the vision as "yours", not HIS; so, it's hard for HIM to show you the parallels and congruency between the ...