MEN OF GOD: Something is about to "overtake the Church-at-large" that this world has NEVER SEEN..
I feel the "brooding jealousy" of the ONLY ONE - who is WORTHY to receive glory, honor or praise! WHEW!
YOU are NOT:
- Spiritually credible or prophetically relevant to CHRIST's AGENDA, because of your "worldly relationships" or due to the acceptance of "cultural icons" ..
- Some "spiritual guru', because the "talking heads" and media pundits "come to YOU" for your SELF-given commentary on a subject..
- A subject matter expert, so "positioning yourself" to be used by God, instead of improperly leveraging and pseudo-serving "the inheritance in the saints" - is improper use of your influence..
There is a major segment of the Body of Christ that is DECEIVED!
This "hook" is so far in the jaw of many Christians that they can NOT discern "what their seeing", as it revea...