
Showing posts from July 10, 2013




I've been in "deep intercession" for a "SENSITIVITY-GENE" that will allow me to concern myself with "easily-offended people".. (LOL!) Since I've been working-it-out "in sackcloth and ashes" (NOT cigarettes; LOL!), I've had a change of heart - and, it is definitely a "breakthrough" from my past posture of NO-NONSENSE POLICY... Well, you know The Lord hears our prayers, and here's what HE did in my heart..(Wait for it.........) I've DECIDED to "buy a Starbuck's pastry" (for offended Christians) and "buy a cup some Starbuck's coffee" (for offended Non-Christians), to avert all the hurt feelings, offense, etc. WHY THE CHANGE OF HEART? Honestly, my "Starbuck's Rewards" would quadruple, if I just CHOOSE TO BE BENEVOLENT! LOL!! What do you think about that? LOL!! PRAY-4-ME-ALWAYS! WS-3 Sent from WS-3's iPhone


There is urgency in the Spirit for a "Mature Bride", and in my unique apostolic and prophetic call (in regards to this burgeoning outcry) I happen to have ZERO TOLERANCE for: - Hand-holding - Pomp and circumstance - Ego-tripping - Territorial preservation - Religious Spirits, AND - Carnal Christians "Intolerance" does NOT represent a "lack of love", but a "limitation on the amount of BS (Blundering Stupidity; LOL!) that I can stomach" - without going to "my closet"; and beginning to violently decree and declare, as many "complacent believers" (which is an oxymoron) block, hinder and oppose "God's Higher Purposes", by "holding things hostage" - through indifference, resistance and stubbornness! "Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, of th...

"The Father's Reassurance.."

When my good friends - Randy & Barbara needed reassurance about the direction of their ministry, they went to the Lord and HE said: "I'd rather you come to Me for reassurance than go someplace else. Your big question is, 'Where are we going and what should we be doing?' "Now do you see how important it was to preserve the story of the Hebrews coming out of Egypt? Everyone who wants to know where they are going should learn from that account. "While they were still in Egypt, I told the Hebrew children about the promise of a land abounding with riches. Did I tell them about the giants, the battles and the tests? If I had, they would never have left the house of bondage, nor would they have seen My mighty hand of deliverance. Neither would they have received My Law or become My people. Fear would have caused them to lose all of this. I gave them the promise, fed their faith, and restrained Myself when they strayed. "To every child today w...



