
Showing posts from August 5, 2015

#"The Father's Heart On Homosexuality" - Part 3, by Pastor Walter L Smith III.

"The Father's Heart On Homosexuality & Building Bridges Between the LGBTQ and Christian Communities" (Part 3) DISCLAIMER : If you've never read my first (2) blogs (SEE LINKS BELOW) on the LGBTQ Community and the issues surrounding it - that I sincerely believe clearly reveals "God's heart"; PLEASE DO!  This 3RD BLOG is the MOST IMPORTANT one of them all, and will be sure to release God's power in unprecedented waves of HIS Goodness; if God's people OBEY!  WS-3 The Father’s Heart Part 1-3 BLOGS (Original Book Content) THIS is the 3rd blog installment of mine on this particular subject area, and it is VERY NECESSARY in light of the continuing drama and intense feuding going on eve...