WHOSE "FAILURE" IS IT? Did you know that fishermen can leave a bucket of crabs completely unattended, without any of them escaping? It turns out that when one crab tries to escape, the other crabs will pull the escaping crab back into captivity. Sounds familiar? Let's apply this to humans and their interactions. When their peers try to "climb out of the bucket" by improving themselves or striving for greater things, people with the Crab Mentality will try to pull them back and prevent them from reaching their goals. As you can tell, it's incredibly toxic. With the Crab Mentality, no one wins, and no one is able to become better versions of themselves. JUST MAYBE… the "TOXIC—Ethnic Stereotype" about BLACK PEOPLE is "true", because Diddy's situation should "drive us to our knees", NOT to our COMPUTERS and DEVICES — looking for any/every opportunity to CAPITALIZE from HIS DEMISE! The crabs in a bucket metaph...