
Showing posts with the label Injustice - Trayvon Martin

"The TRAYVON MARTIN Story: God, Please Change Our Hearts"

What do we do with this Tragedy? Tragedy as an "Opportunist".- reacting to tragic circumstances with profit motives to champion an agenda, but with no real committed desire or dedicated response that's needed to encourage change and transformation in the hearts of people. Tragedy as an "Advocate". - doing what you do everyday, to curb the tide of economic, prejudicial or social injustice Tragedy as a "Catalyst". - an event or occurrence that forces complacent or dying communities to go deeper than the surface of miscarriages of justice or systemic negligence and prejudice Whose to blame? George Zimmerman is on the "hot seat" for good reason in the tragic death of Trayvon Martin, and he should be! But, the growing response to this particular incident should quicken "our community" and "our generation" to the horrible reality that hatred, injustice, prejudice and wickedness still exist. What should we (the general community)...