
Showing posts from June 10, 2013

"The Church: Surviving the Recession"..

READ my response to this most important topic, during the Our Weekly interview.. WS-3 Sent from WS-3's iPhone

"DISCERNMENT is Essential for PEACE"

FAMILY: Your "discernment" is NOT "your feelings" about a matter- after an encounter, experience or exchange with an individual occurs! DISCERNMENT is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the life of a devoted and disciplined follower of Christ, who has prioritized God's Word (Logos & Rhema) above the limiting experiences that occur in everyday human interactions; which often ill informs - without our "spiritual antennae" attuned or sharpened enough, to both perceive and understand the strategies of hell against a person's life, by having the Mind of the Spirit on the matter! It (discernment) is NOT some "mind-reading sensitivity" or "predicting someone's intentions" - spiritual mechanism, that God has given to ANY of us "to use, on one another"..?!? YOUR - past disappointments, hurts, judgments, and suspicions are NOT the primary source or foundation for things which are "born of the Spirit", and sh...

KNEE-LEADING" is Leadership-101!

In almost two decades of consulting church and para-church organizations, it is RARE to find the "one thing" required for a successfully anointed, purpose-driven and relevantly impactful ministry... The RIGHT and ONLY way to lead God's People, is ON YOUR KNEES! Leaders - who have "intercessory ministries" that support "them", fundamentally understand the principal and the importance of God's Presence and Power being center-stage - of all the ministry activity and outreach that will occur.. BUT, if he or she is NOT "on their face", as an every day posture in leading God's People, they will eventually begin relying upon one of the other "tools" that God apportions to the "ascension functions or gifts" in Christ's Body, which brings eventual compromise, imbalance or complacency into the picture! What "tools" are you referring to? I.e. - Ministry supporters, your charisma and giftedness, your denomination...