KNEE-LEADING" is Leadership-101!
In almost two decades of consulting church and para-church organizations, it is RARE to find the "one thing" required for a successfully anointed, purpose-driven and relevantly impactful ministry...
Sent from WS-3's iPhone
The RIGHT and ONLY way to lead God's People, is ON YOUR KNEES!
Leaders - who have "intercessory ministries" that support "them", fundamentally understand the principal and the importance of God's Presence and Power being center-stage - of all the ministry activity and outreach that will occur..
BUT, if he or she is NOT "on their face", as an every day posture in leading God's People, they will eventually begin relying upon one of the other "tools" that God apportions to the "ascension functions or gifts" in Christ's Body, which brings eventual compromise, imbalance or complacency into the picture!
What "tools" are you referring to? I.e. - Ministry supporters, your charisma and giftedness, your denominational or ministry position, etc.
"Vessels of Honor" become "meet and fit for the Master's use", every day through their intentional devotion, quiet time and prayerfulness!
Most leaders "save" the "face time" for war-times, but that makes them "a day late, and a dollar short"!
If "your schedule" doesn't permit "KNEE-LEAD" (prayer time), GOD DIDN'T CREATE THAT SCHEDULE!
"Lead from your knees", its the ONLY WAY that we win! WS-3
Sent from WS-3's iPhone
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