DISCOURAGEMENT IS CONTAGIOUS, IF PERMITTED.. The "holidays" can be the MOST discouraging time of the year. But, what actually makes it a solemn reality for many, may go all the way back to a stressful event remembered from childhood that is on automatic "recall" when the holiday season arrives, BUT the key to overcoming - is "what", exactly? Whether its just "privately" dealing with the unforgettable loss of a loved one, or the remembrance of a broken relationship that occurred around "this time" last year, some of the most difficult and tragic circumstances of our lives happens on birthdays, holidays or special occasions - and many of us end up "severely scarred or traumatized" (on the inside) by these events; while it marks us for life in a negative way - if we let it! Well, how do we curb the tide of darkness that seems to engulf our souls, when we allow our remembrance of past events to rob us ...